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Jul 03 - 07, 2017

Community Engagement: Biomedical Sciences Summer Camp – “Through the Looking Glass”


Supported by the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Exercise for Impact Projects in 2016/17, the biomedical sciences summer camp “Through the Looking Glass” (Project Coordinator: Dr Joanna WY Ho) was successfully held in July 2017 at the School of Biomedical Sciences to promote science fun to local secondary school students. Thirty students from seven schools, including Maryknoll Convent School, St Paul’s Convent School, St Margaret’s Co-educational English Secondary and Primary School, St Paul’s College, Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College, St Francis Canossian College and Yew Chung International School, were selected for participation in this 5-day summer camp.

The summer camp provided a platform and interface for over 20 of our Faculty’s members, researchers and undergraduate students to showcase cutting-edge science to these local school secondary school students, through a variety of lunch seminars and hands-on laboratory experiments using bacteria, planarian and mouse as models. Based on their own scientific data generated at the camp, posters and a mini-journal were also produced. These products helped the participating students to further showcase their work and serve as ambassadors for HKU when they returned to their schools.

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