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Undergraduate Education


Student Learning Experience Questionnaire-Undergraduate (SLEQ-UG)

  • HKU conducts institutional surveys on students’ learning experiences for undergraduates (SLEQ-UG) on an annual basis. The survey findings inform evidence-informed support for teaching and learning quality assurance and enhancement. All undergraduate students at their first, second, and final years of studies are invited to participate in the SLEQ-UG.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to complete the SLEQ online before the deadline for enhancement in student learning experience.
  • The key findings of the SLEQ-UG in 2020-21 can be found at

Please visit for more details of SLEQ.


Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL)

  • Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning (SFTL), formerly known as Student Evaluation of Teaching and Learning (SETL), provides a structured feedback mechanism for the University’s courses and teaching. Feedback from students are used to improve teaching. Teachers and the School are required to take follow-up action after receiving the students' feedback, and share the responses with students.
  • Students are strongly encouraged to complete the SFTL online before the deadline to enhance the teaching and learning quality of the courses. By visiting, all forms (completed / outstanding) of enrolled courses will be shown.
  • The results of course evaluation can be accessed via the Student Information System (SIS). Please follow the path: HKU Portal > Student Information System > HKU Course Management > Course Effectiveness.