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Feb 07, 2018

RPG Seminar Series (Speakers: Miss ZHAO Junjun, Mr. JIN Wei, Miss PANG Cindy Chi Ching)

Date: Wednesday, 7-February-2018

Venue: Seminar Room 3, G/F
Laboratory Block, Faculty of Medicine Building
21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong

Time: 4:00 p.m.
Title: The specific role of different Kinesin I motor proteins on synapse development in neuron
Speaker: Miss ZHAO Junjun (PhD student)

Time: 4:20 p.m.
Title: Revealing aging-associated regulatory network (ARN) in human cells through CrispR/Cas9 screening
Speaker: Mr. JIN Wei (PhD student)

Time: 4:40 p.m.
Title: The classic versus the new; 6-hydroxydopamine and a-Synuclein preformed fibrils in Parkinson’s Disease
Speaker: Miss PANG Cindy Chi Ching (PhD student)