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Professor JAVED, Asif

Professor JAVED, Asif

  • PhD (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
  • Assistant Professor (Research)
5/F, Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research
+852 2831 5395
  • Cancer omics
  • Rare congenital disorders
  • Computational biology

Dr Javed is an Assistant Professor in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD in computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2008. He then joined Computational Biology Center at IBM TJ Research Center as a postdoctoral researcher. His work at IBM was part of the Genographic project. In 2011 he joined Genome Institute of Singapore (A*STAR) as a research associate and was promoted to research scientist in 2014. Dr Javed has co-authored more than 50 publications including senior authorships in Nature Methods and Nature Genetics. His research thus far has garnered over 5M SGD in funding. 

Our group focuses both on method development and application with the generic goal of interpreting patient omics information in light of prior domain knowledge. The two main areas of application are rare diseases and cancers. We work closely with clinical collaborators in defining the uniqueness of the phenotype. We follow horses for courses approach whereby disease biology and sample availability dictates the omics of choice. 

Please email Asif Javed ( directly for project details and opportunities. 

  1. T.K. Ko*, A. Javed(*,#), KL Lee, T.N. Pathiraja, X. Liu, S. Malik, S.X. Soh, X.T. Heng, N. Takahashi, J.H.J. Tan, R. Bhatia, A.J. Khng, W.J. Chng, Y.Y. Sia, D.A. Fruman, K.P. Ng, Z.E. Chan, K.J.J. Xie, Q. Hoi, C.X. Chan, A.S.M. Teo, O. Velazquez, W.Y. Meah, C.C. Khor, C.T. Ong, W.W. Soon, P. Tan, P.C. Ng, C. Chuah, A.M. Hillmer#, S.T. Ong#, An integrative model of pathway convergence in genetically heterogeneous blast crisis chronic myeloid leukemia, Blood 2020 (* equal contribution, # corresponding authors)
    Planery article with editorial comment in G. Giotopoulos,  B.J.P. Huntly, CML: new tools to answer old questions, Blood 2020
  2. L.B. Williams*, A. Javed*, A Sabri*, D.J. Morgan*, C.D. Huff, J.R. Grigg, X.T. Heng, A.J. Khng, I.H.I.M. Hollink, M.A. Morrison, L.A. Owen, K. Anderson, K. Kinard, R. Greenlees, D. Novacic, H.N. Sen, W.M. Zein, G.M. Rodgers, A.T. Vitale, N.B. Haider, A.M. Hillmer, P.C. Ng, A. Cheng, L. Zheng, M.C. Gillies, M van Slegtenhorst, P.M. van Hagen, T.O.A.R. Missotten, G.L. Farley, M. Polo, J. Malatack, J. Curtin, F. Martin, S. Arbuckle, S.I. Alexander, M. Chircop, S. Davila, K.B Digre, R.V. Jamieson, M.M DeAngelis, ALPK1 missense pathogenic variant in five families leads to ROSAH syndrome, an ocular multisystem autosomal dominant disorder. Genetics in Medicine 2019 (* equal contribution)
  3. M. Nichane, A. Javed, V. Sivakamasundari, M. Ganesan, LT. Ang, P. Kraus, T. Lufkin, KM. Loh, B. Lim, Isolation and 3D expansion of multipotent Sox9+ mouse lung progenitors, Nature Methods, 2017
  4. C.T. Gordon, S. Xue, G. Yigit, H. Filali, K. Chen, N. Rosin, K. Yoshiura, M. Oufadem, T.J. Beck, R. McGowan, A.C. Magee, J. Altmller, C. Dion, H. Thiele, A.D. Gurzau, P. Nrnberg, D. Meschede, W. Mhlbauer, N. Okamoto, V. Varghese, R. Irving, S. Sigaudy, D. Williams, S.F. Ahmed, C. Bonnard, M.K. Kong, I. Ratbi, N. Fejjal, M. Fikri, S.C. Elalaoui, H. Reigstad, C. Bole-Feysot, P. Nitschk, N. Ragge, N. Lvy, G. Tunbilek, A.S.M. Teo, M.L. Cunningham, A. Sefiani, H. Kayserili, J.M. Murphy, C. Chatdokmaiprai, A.M. Hillmer, D. Wattanasirichaigoon, S. Lyonnet, F. Magdinier, A. Javed*, M.E. Blewitt*, J. Amiel*, B. Wollnik*, B. Reversade*, De novo mutations in SMCHD1 cause Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome and abrogate nasal development,  Nature Genetics, 2017 (*equal contribution)
  5. A. Javed#, S. Agrawal, and P.C. Ng#, Phen-Gen: combining Phenotype and Genotype to analyze rare disorders, Nature Methods, 2014  (# corresponding authors)
  6. A. Javed*, M. Mele*, M. Pybus, P. Zalloua, M. Haber, D. Comas, M.G. Netea, O. Balanovsky, E. Balanovska, L. Jin, Y. Yang, G.P. ArunKumar, R. Pitchappan, J. Bertranpetit, F. Calafell, L. Parida, and The Genographic Consortium, Recombination networks as genetic markers: a human variation study of the Old World, Hum Genet, 2012 (* equal contribution)
  7. M. Mele, A. Javed, M. Pybus, P. Zalloua, M. Haber, D. Comas, M.G. Netea, O. Balanovsky, E. Balanovska, L. Jin, Y. Yang, R.M. Pitchappan, G.P. ArunKumar, L. Parida, F. Calafell, J. Bertranpetit, and The Genographic Consortium, Recombination gives a new insight in the effective population size and the history of the old world human populations, Mol Biol Evol, 2012
  8. A. Javed, M. Pybus, M. Mele, F. Utro, J. Bertranpetit, F. Calafell, L. Parida, IRiS: Construction of ARG networks at genomic scales, Bioinformatics, 2011
  9. A. Javed and A. Khokhar, Frequent pattern mining on message passing multiprocessor systems, Distributed and Parallel Databases,  2004