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Professor TI, Jeff Shih Chieh 狄士傑

Professor TI, Jeff Shih Chieh 狄士傑

  • BSc (National Taiwan University, Taiwan); PhD (Yale University, USA)
  • Assistant Professor
L4-43, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong
+852 3917 9294
+852 2855 9730
  • The regulation of microtubule cytoskeleton
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Laboratory of Chemistry and Cell Biology, The Rockefeller University, USA (2012-2019)
  • Ph.D., Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, USA (2006-2011)
  • B.Sc., Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (2000-2004)

Microtubules are dynamic polymers of α/β-tubulin heterodimers central to cellular processes, such as cell division, cell migration, and organelle transportation. The α- and β-tubulin gene families (i.e. isotypes) expand substantially in metazoans. The human genome encodes at least nine α- and ten β-tubulin isotypes that have the protein expression profiles varying with cell types and developmental stages. Single point mutations in specific tubulin isotypes have been associated with human diseases. The discovery of disease-related mutations suggests that, even with the high degree of identity on the primary sequence basis, tubulin isotypes do not complement each other’s function in metazoans. However, the molecular mechanism by which tubulin isotypes regulate the organization and function of microtubules remains poorly understood.

Featuring the field-leading technology to generate isotypically pure recombinant human tubulin, Dr. Ti’s laboratory employs combinatorial approaches of biochemistry, biophysics, chemical biology, and structural biology to dissect the factors that are associated with the biological function of diverse human tubulin isotypes.

  1. Ti, S.C.*; Wieczorek, M.; Kapoor, T.M.* (2020) “Purification of affinity-tag free recombinant tubulin from insect cells” STAR Protocols, In Press
  2. Wieczorek, M*; Urnavicius, L*; Ti, S.C., Molloy, K.R.; Chait, B.T.; Kapoor, T.M. (2020) “Asymmetric molecular architecture of the human γ-tubulin ring complex” Cell, 180, 165-175. PMID: 31862189.
  3. Ti, S.C.; Alushin, G.M.; Kapoor, T.M. (2018) “Human β-tubulin isotypes can regulate microtubule protofilament number and stability” Developmental Cell, 47, 175-190. PMID: 30245156.
  4. Kellogg, E.H.; Howes, S.; Ti, S.C.; Ramirez-Aportela, E.; Kapoor, T.M.; Chacón, P.; Nogales, E. (2016) “Near-atomic cryo-EM structure of PRC1 bound to the microtubule” PNAS, 113, 9430-9439. PMID: 27493215.
  5. Pamula, M.C.; Ti, S.C.; Kapoor, T.M. (2016) “The structure core of human β tubulin confers isotype-specific polymerization properties” J. Cell Biology, 213, 425-33. PMID: 27185835.
  6. Ti, S.C.; Pamula, M.C.; Howes, S.C.; Duellberg, C.; Cade, N.I.; Kleiner, R.E.; Forth, S.; Surrey, T.; Nogales, E.; Kapoor, T.M. (2016) “Mutations in human tubulin proximal to the kinesin-binding site alter dynamic instability at microtubule plus and minus ends” Developmental Cell, 37, 72-84. PMID: 27046833.
  7. McCormick C.D.; Akamatsu M.S.; Ti S.C.; Pollard T.D. (2013) “Measuring affinities of fission yeast spindle pole body proteins in live cells across the cell cycle” Biophysics J., 105, 1324-35. PMID: 24047983.
  8. Kleiner R.E.; Ti S.C.; Kapoor T.M. (2013) “Site-specific chemistry on the microtubule polymer” JACS, 135 (34), 12520-3. PMID: 23930594.
  9. Subramanian R.; Ti S.C.; Tan L.; Darst S.A.; Kapoor T.M. (2013) “Marking and measuring single microtubules by PRC1 and Kinesin-4” Cell, 154 (2): 377-90. PMID: 23870126.
  10. Ti S. C.*; Jurgenson C.*; Nolen, B. J.; Pollard, T. D. (2011) “Structural and biochemical characterization of two binding sites for nucleation promoting factor WASp-VCA on Arp2/3 complex” PNAS, 108 (33): E463-71. PMID: 21676862
  11. Ti S. C.; Pollard, T.D. (2011) “Purification of actin from fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and characterization of functional differences from muscle actin” J. Biological Chemistry, 286 (7), 5784-92. PMID: 21148484.
  12. Cheng, C. H.; Lo, Y. H.; Liang, S. S.; Ti, S. C.; Lin, F. M.; Yeh, C. H.; Huang, H. Y.; Wang, T. F. (2006) “SUMO modifications control assembly of synaptonemal complex and polycomplex in meiosis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genes and Development 20, 1986-1992. PMID:16847351.
  13. Chen, Y. K.; Leng, C. H.; Olivares, H.; Lee, M. H.; Chang. Y. C.; Kung, W. M.; Ti, S. C.; Lo, Y. H.; Wang, A. H.; Chang C. S.; Bishop D. K.; Hsueh Y. P.; Wang, T. F. (2004) “Heterodimeric complexes of meiosis-specific Hop2 and Mnd1 promote DNA recombination and homolog juxtaposition” PNAS 101, 10572-77. PMID: 15249670.
  • 2015: ASCB 55th annual meeting Postdoctoral Travel Award
  • 2013-2016: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Fellow
  • 2011: Mary Ellen Jones Dissertation Award, Yale University
  • 2004: Dean’s award, College of Science, National Taiwan University

Last update: February 29, 2020