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Dr CECOT, Tomasz Stanislaw

Dr CECOT, Tomasz Stanislaw

  • MSc (University of Gdansk); PhD (University of Gdansk), PCAP (University of Southampton)
  • Senior Lecturer
L4-57, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong
+852 3917 9178
+852 2855 9730
  • Teaching and learning human anatomy
  • MSc Experimental Biology, University of Gdansk, Poland (2001)
  • Gross Anatomy and Neuroanatomy Training, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland (2006-2010)
  • PhD Neuroscience, University of Gdansk, Poland (2010)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, University of Southampton, UK (2013)

Books - Authored

  1. Cecot T, Plucinska K, Fizjologia zmyslow. [Physiology of Senses.] In: Lewandowska D (ed.) Fizjologia zwierząt i człowieka. [Human and animal physiology.] Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwesytetu Gdanskiego 2009. p74-116.

Books - Short Works – Translations into Polish

  1. Drake RL, Vogl AW, Mitchell AWM. Chapter 1. The body. In: Gray’s Anatomy for Students. Transl Cecot T. (2010) Wroclaw: Elsevier; 4-53.
  2. Gilroy AM, MacPherson BR, Ross LM. Chapter 7. The back. In: Gilroy’s Atlas of Human Anatomy. Transl Cecot T. (2010) Wroclaw: MedPharm; 2-41.
  3. Heimer L, Van Hoesen GW, Trimble M, Zahm DS. Chapter 3. The anatomy of the basal forebrain. In: Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry. Transl Cecot T. (2011) Wroclaw: Elsevier; 27-69.

Journal Papers – Peer-Reviewed

  1. Spadlinski L, Cecot T, Majos A, Stefańczyk L, Pietruszewska W, Wysiadecki G, Topol M, Polguj M. (2016) The Epidemiological, Morphological, and Clinical Aspects of the Cervical Ribs in Humans. Biomed Res Int: 8034613.
  2. Gulas E, Wysiadecki G, Cecot T, Majos A, Stefańczyk L, Topol M, Polguj M. (2016) Accessory (multiple) renal arteries - Differences in frequency according to population, visualizing techniques and stage of morphological development. Vascular 24: 531-7.
  3. Majkutewicz I, Cecot T, Jerzemowska G, Myślińska D, Plucińska K, Trojniar W, Wrona D. (2010) Lesion of the ventral tegmental area amplifies stimulation-induced Fos expression in the rat brain. Brain Res 1320: 95-105.
  4. Majkutewicz I, Cecot T, Jerzemowska G, Trojniar W, Jaskulski M, Wrona D. (2010) Lesion and stimulation of the ventral tegmental area increases cholinergic activity in the rat brain. Acta Neurobiol Exp 70: 28-39.
  5. Badowska-Szalewska E, Klejbor I, Sidor-Kaczmarek J, Cecot T, Lietzau G, Spodnik JH, Moryś J. (2009) Stress-induced changes of interleukin-1beta within the limbic system in the rat. Folia Morphol 68: 119-28.
  6. Badowska-Szalewska E, Klejbor I, Cecot T, Domaradzka-Pytel B, Ludkiewicz B, Moryś J. (2009) Changes in NGF/c-Fos colocalization in specific limbic structures of juvenile and aged rats after open field stimulation. Folia Morphol 68: 129-34.
  7. Badowska-Szalewska E, Klejbor I, Cecot T, Spodnik JH, Moryś J. (2009) Changes in NGF/c-Fos double staining in the structures of the limbic system in juvenile and aged rats exposed to forced swim test. Acta Neurobiol Exp 69: 448-58.

Author of a highly popular in Poland scientific blog: (2009-present) focusing on a human anatomy. Written in Polish, more than 2 000 000 views so far.

  • ‘Shaping Anatomical Sciences for the Future’, Student Centeredness Fund, University of Southampton, 2012-2015
  • ‘Excellence in Teaching Award’ Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton,
    • 2016 winner in the category ‘Best Undergraduate Teacher’
    • 2015 winner in the category ‘Best Use of Technology to Enhance Teaching
    • 2015 winner in the category ‘Excellence in Blackboard’
    • 2014 winner in the category ‘Best Feedback Provision’
    • 2014 winner in the category ‘Innovative Teaching
  • University of Southampton, ‘Best Blackboard Page’; winner 2013/14
  • The Symington Bequest, Anatomical Society; 2013/14
  • Deputy Director; Bachelor of Medicine (BM4); University of Southampton (2017-2018)
  • External Examiner; Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health; University of Manchester (2015-2018)
  • Module Leader; Nervous and Locomotor 1, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton (2014-2018)
  • Anatomy Leader; Foundations of Medicine Module; Respiratory, Cardiovascular and Renal Module (2011-2018)
  • Member of the Faculty Steering Group, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton (2014-2018)
  • Student’s Project Field Leader: Anatomy (2017-2018)
  • Member of the Athena SWAN Academic Group (2017-2018)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2013 - present)

Last update: 2020-02-03