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Professor ZHOU, Zhongjun 周中軍

Professor ZHOU, Zhongjun 周中軍

  • BSc (Xiamen U); MS, PhD (Peking Union Medical College); PhD (Karolinska Institutet)
  • Professor
L3-71, Laboratory Block, 21 Sassoon Road, Hong Kong
+852 3917 9542
+852 2855 1254
  • Biology of ageing; chromatin architectural alterations in ageing; Senolytic and ageing vaccine
  • Stem cell self-renewal and differentiation in development, ageing and cancer
  • Extracellular matrix and cell surface proteinases in regulation of growth factor signalling in development and diseases
  • Human Islet organoid production and applications

Zhongjun Zhou is currently a professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. He graduated from Xiamen University with a BSc in Biochemistry. He obtained Master of Science in Biochemistry and PhD in Pathophysiology from Peking Union Medical College. He also obtained a PhD degree in Medical Biochemistry from Karolinska Institute, Sweden. After postdoctoral training in in Karolinska Institute, he joined the department as a Research Assistant Professor in 2002 and became Associate Professor in 2005. He has published more than 40 original papers, reviews and book chapter. He is the co-founding Chair of Asian Association of Ageing Research.

Prof Zhou is interested in understanding the biological functions of extracellular and nuclear matrix proteins. His works focus on signalling regulation in development, ageing, and tumorigenesis using genetically modified mice and human patient tissues. He identified lamin A as the endogenous substrate of metalloproteinase Zmpste24 and demonstrated for the first time that genomic instability is behind the most severe human early ageing disease, Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS). He has demonstrated that nuclear matrix is not simply a scaffold but also a functional structure in regulating chromatin dynamics through modulating epigenetic factors, such as histone deacetylases and acetyltransferases. Prof Zhou’s works have revealed several critical pathways regulating ageing and longevity, especially the interplay between SIRT6 and p53.  His group demonstrated the critical role for lamin A in maintaining SIRT1/6 activities that decline with age. The works on health span extension provide new hope for patients with HGPS and other ageing-associated diseases. He is well recognized internationally in the field of biology of ageing. He has also made significant contributions to the understanding of membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase function in development, metabolism, and various diseases through regulating different receptors and their signalling. He demonstrated that MT1-MMP is the major negative Notch signalling regulator to maintain lymphocyte differentiation. In addition, he beautifully showed the cross-talk between ADAM and MMP in regulating FGFR2 signalling and osteogenesis. His group revealed that MT1-MMP is an endogenous inhibitor of lymph angiogenesis and regulates body-weight, adipogenesis, and ageing. His group has also showed Isthmin-1 (Ism1) play a critical role in regulating branching morphogenesis, haematopoiesis and adipogenesis. In the last few years, his team has developed a platform to generate human islet organoids and identified over hundreds of senescent antigens for the development of ageing vaccine and antibody drugs.

Prof Zhou has established a close collaboration with clinicians and has identified several disease genes, such as hypertension and premature sexual maturation. He has developed several disease models to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases due to specific mutations. In addition, animal models are utilized to developed intervention and clinical therapies.

  • Several postdoctoral positions are available for self-motivated fresh graduates. The candidates are expected to have experiences either in modern molecular biology especially single cell OMICs or strong background in Immunology, Inflammation and hand-on experiences of vaccine development. Candidate with experiences of human organoid will be highly appreciated.
  • Chromatin architectural alteration in development and ageing
  • MT1-MMP inflammation and ageing
  • Isthmin-1 in stem cells and development
  • Single-cell OMICS technology development
  • Ageing vaccine development
  • Senolytic identification and applications
  • Human islet organoid development and applications


Expt results

Laminopathy-based premature ageing is a result of genomic instability caused by defective recruitment of DNA-damage checkpoint/repair proteins 10 minutes (left panel) and 12 hours (right panel) after DNA damage

Members of Zhou's lab
  1. Jin W, Jiang S, Liu X, He Y, Li T, Ma J, Chen Z, Lu X, Liu X, Shou W, Jin G, Ding J*, Zhou Z*.(2023). Chromatin dysfunction drives stem cells ageing in atypical laminopathy-based progeria Mandibuloacral dysplasia type A (MAD). Nature Communications, revised
  2. Wang L, Yang X, Hu X, Wei L, Jin G and Zhou Z* (2023). MOF-mediated acetylation is required for UHRF1 E3 ligase activity, DNMT1 recruitment and DNA methylation maintenance. Cell Reports revised
  3. MOF-mediated acetylation attenuates tumour suppressive activity of SIRT6 in non-small cell lung cancer. Cell Reports 42(8),112939.
  4. Gao G, Li X, Jiang Z, Osorio L, Tang YL, Yu X, Jin G, Zhou Z* (2023). Isthmin-1 (Ism1) modulates renal branching morphogenesis and mesenchyme condensation during early kidney development. Nature Communications.  14, 2378 (2023).
  5. Z Jiang,J Zhou,X Qin,H Zheng,B Gao, X Liu and Z Zhou* (2020). Defective ependymal cell maturation and ciliogenesis leads to hydrocephalus in mice deficient for MT1-MMP. JCI Insight; 5(9): doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.132782e132782  Highlighted in JCI This Month
  6. Osório L, Wu X, Wang L, Jiang Z, Neideck C, Sheng G, and Zhou Z*(2019). ISM1 regulates NODAL signaling and asymmetric organ morphogenesis during development. J Cell Biol. 218(7);2388–2402.  DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201801081
  7. Ghosh S,  Wong SK, Jiang ZX, Liu B, Hao Q, Gorbunova V, Liu X, Zhou Z*(2018). Haploinsufficiency of Trp53 dramatically extends the lifespan of Sirt6-defircient mice. eLife, DOI:10.7554/eLife.32127.001
  8. B Liu, Z Wang, L Zhang, S Ghosh, H Zheng and Z Zhou*(2013). Depleting the methyltransferase Suv39h1 improves DNA repair and extends lifespan in a progeria mouse model. Nature Communication  4:1868 doi: 10.1038/ncomms2885.
  9. B Liu, S Ghosh, X Yang, H Zheng, X Liu, Z Wang, B Zheng, B K Kennedy, Y Suh, M Kaeberlein, K Tryggvason, and Z Zhou*(2012). Resveratrol rescues Sirt1-dependent adult stem cell decline and alleviates progeroid features in laminopathy-based progeria. Cell Metabolism. 16(6),738-750
  10. K Chan, H Wong, G Jin, B Liu, R Cao, Y Cao, K Lehti, K Tryggvason and Z Zhou*(2012). MT1-MMP Inactivates ADAM9 to Regulate FGFR2 Signalling in Calvarial Osteogenesis. Developmental Cell 22(6); 1176-1190   Faculty 1000 F1000 Factor 8.0.
  11. G Jin, F Zhang, KM Chan, HL Wong, B Liu, K Cheah, X Liu, C Mauch, D Liu, Z Zhou*(2011). MT1-MMP cleaves Dll1 to negatively regulate Notch signaling to maintain normal B cell development. EMBO J, 30, 2281 – 2293
  12. Liu B, Wang J, Chan KM, Tjia WM, Deng W, Guan X, Huang JD, Li KM, Chau PY, Chen DJ, Pei D, Pendas AM, Cadinanos J, Lopez-Otin C, Tse HF, Hutchison C, Chen J, Cao Y, Cheah KS, Tryggvason K, Zhou Z*(2005).  Genomic instability in laminopathy-based premature ageing.  Nature Medicine, 11 (7), 780-785 * correspondence.   Comment by Misteli T, Scaffidi P. In Nat Med 2005 11(7):718-9. Genome instability in progeria: when repair gets old.  F1000 Factor 6.4
  13. Pendás A*, Zhou Z *, Cadinanos J, Freije JM, Wang J, Hultenby K, Astudillo A, Wernerson A, Rodriguez F, Tryggvason K, Lopez-Otin C (2002).  Defective prelamin A processing and muscular and adipocyte alterations in Zmpste24 metalloproteinase–deficient mice.  Nature Genetics; 31(1): 94-99  *Equal contribution.
  14. Zhou Z, Soininen R, Cao R, Baaklini GY, Rauser RW, Wang J, Cao Y, Tryggvason K (2000).  Impaired endochondral ossification and angiogenesis in mice deficient in membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase IProc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 97(8):4052-7.

A. Sirtuins

  1. Zhao K, Zheng M, Su Z, Ghosh S, Zhang C, Zhong W, Ho WK J, Jin G, Z Zhou* (2023). MOF-mediated acetylation attenuates tumour suppressive activity of SIRT6 in non-small cell lung cancer. Cell Reports 42(8),112939. DOI:
  2. S Sun, W Qin, X Tang, Y Meng, W Hu, S Zhang, M Qian, Z Liu, X Cao, Q Pang, B Zhao, Z Wang, Z Zhou, B Liu (2020). Vascular endothelium–targeted Sirt7 gene therapy rejuvenates blood vessels and extends life span in a Hutchinson-Gilford progeria model. Science advances, 6 (8), eaay5556
  3. Ghosh S, Wong SK, Jiang ZX, Liu B, Hao Q, Gorbunova V, Liu X, Zhou Z (2018)*. Haploinsufficiency of Trp53 dramatically extends the lifespan of Sirt6-defircient mice. eLife DOI:10.7554/eLife.32127.001
  4. Shi L, Tang X, Qian M, Liu Z, Meng F, Fu L, Wang Z, Zhu WG, Huang JD, Zhou Z, Liu B (2018). A SIRT1-centered circuitry regulates breast cancer stemness and metastasis. Oncogene.  37(49):6299-6315. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0370-5.
  5. S Ghosh, B Liu, Y Wang, Q Hao, Z Zhou* (2015). Lamin A is an endogenous SIRT6 activator and promote SIRT6-mediated DNA damage. Cell Reports, 13 (6), 1396–140
  6. B Liu, S Ghosh, X Yang, H Zheng, X Liu, Z Wang, B Zheng, B K Kennedy, Y Suh, M Kaeberlein, K Tryggvason, and Z Zhou* (2012). Resveratrol rescues Sirt1-dependent adult stem cell decline and alleviates progeroid features in laminopathy-based progeria. Cell Metabolism 31.4, 16(6),738-750

B. Ageing and Premature ageing

  1. Ren J, Song M, Zhang W, et al, Zhou Z, Zhu D, Zou W, Pei G and Liu G* (2023). The ageing Biomarker Consortium represents a new era for ageing research in China. Nature Medicine.
  2. Jin W, Jiang S, Liu X, He Y, Li T, Ma J, Chen Z, Lu X, Liu X, Shou W, Jin G, Ding J*, Zhou Z*.(2023). Chromatin dysfunction drives stem cells ageing in atypical laminopathy-based progeria Mandibuloacral dysplasia type A (MAD). Nature Communications, revised
  3. Guo X, Zhang S, Wong SKK, Fallah S, Chow CFW, Asthana P, Che S, Zhai L, Wang Z, Xin G, Jiang Z, Gurung S, Wu J, Zhang Y, Wu X, Xu K, Lin CY, Kwan HY, Lyu A, Zhou Z, Bian Z, Wong HLX (2022) Regulation of ageing-associated insulin resistance by MT1-MMP-mediated cleavage of Insulin Receptor. Nature Communications.  13, 3749
  4. W Jin, Y He, T Li, F Long, X Qin, Y Yuan, G Gao, HM Shakhawat, Z Zhou*(2022). Rapid and robust derivation of mesenchymal stem cells from human pluripotent stem cells via temporal neuralized ectoderm induction. Cell & Biosciences. 12, 31.
  5. Ao Y, Zhang J, Liu Z, Qian M, Li Y, Wu Z, Sun P, Wu J, Bei W, Wen J, Wu X, Li F, Zhou Z, Zhu WG, Liu B, Wang Z (2019). Lamin A buffers CK2 kinase activity to modulate ageing in a progeria mouse model. Science advances ;5(3):eaav5078. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav5078.
  6. Qian M, Liu Z, Peng L, Tang X, Meng F, Ao Y, Zhou M, Wang M, Cao X, Qin B, Wang Z, Zhou Z, Wang G, Gao Z, Xu J, Liu B (2018). Boosting ATM activity alleviates ageing and extends lifespan in a mouse model of progeria. eLife 7. pii: e34836. doi: 10.7554/eLife.34836.
  7. Lyu G, Guan Y, Zhang C, Zong L, Sun L, Huang X, Huang L, Zhang L, Tian XL, Zhou Z, Tao W (2018). TGF-β signaling alters H4K20me3 status via miR-29 and contributes to cellular senescence and cardiac ageing. Nature Communications;9(1):2560.doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04994-z.
  8. Zhang CL, Liu X, He QJ, Zheng H, Xu S, Xiong XD, Yuan Y, Ruan J, Li JB, Xing Y, Zhou Z, Deng S (2017). miR‑342‑5p promotes Zmpste24‑deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts proliferation by suppressing GAS2. Mol Med Rep. 16(6):8944-8952. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2017.7731.
  9. Xiong XD, Jung HJ, Gombar S, Park JY, Zhang CL, Zheng H, Ruan J, Li JB, Kaeberlein M, Kennedy BK, Zhou Z, Liu X, Suh Y (2015). MicroRNA transcriptome analysis identifies miR-365 as a novel negative regulator of cell proliferation in Zmpste24-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Mutat Res. 777:69-78. doi: 10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2015.04.010.
  10. McCormick MA, Delaney JR, Tsuchiya M, Tsuchiyama S, Shemorry A, Sim S, Chou AC, Ahmed U, Carr D, Murakami CJ, Schleit J, Sutphin GL, Wasko BM, Bennett CF, Wang AM, Olsen B, Beyer RP, Bammler TK, Prunkard D, Johnson SC, Pennypacker JK, An E, Anies A, Castanza AS, Choi E, Dang N, Enerio S, Fletcher M, Fox L, Goswami S, Higgins SA, Holmberg MA, Hu D, Hui J, Jelic M, Jeong KS, Johnston E, Kerr EO, Kim J, Kim D, Kirkland K, Klum S, Kotireddy S, Liao E, Lim M, Lin MS, Lo WC, Lockshon D, Miller HA, Moller RM, Muller B, Oakes J, Pak DN, Peng ZJ, Pham KM, Pollard TG, Pradeep P, Pruett D, Rai D, Robison B, Rodriguez AA, Ros B, Sage M, Singh MK, Smith ED, Snead K, Solanky A, Spector BL, Steffen KK, Tchao BN, Ting MK, Vander Wende H, Wang D, Welton KL, Westman EA, Brem RB, Liu XG, Suh Y, Zhou Z, Kaeberlein M, Kennedy BK (2015). A Comprehensive Analysis of Replicative Lifespan in 4,698 Single-Gene Deletion Strains Uncovers Conserved Mechanisms of ageing. Cell Metabolism 22(5),895-906
  11. Liu J, Yin X, Liu B, Zheng H, Zhou G, Gong L, Li M, Li X, Wang Y, Hu J, Krishnan V, Zhou Z, Wang Z (2014). HP1α mediates defective heterochromatin repair and accelerates senescence in Zmpste24-deficient cells. Cell Cycle. 2014;13(8):1237-47. doi: 10.4161/cc.28105.
  12. B Liu, Z Wang, L Zhang, S Ghosh, H Zheng and Z Zhou* (2013). Depleting the methyltransferase Suv39h1 improves DNA repair and extends lifespan in a progeria mouse model. Nature Communications; 4:1868  doi: 10.1038/ncomms2885.
  13. Liu B, Zhou S, Liu X, Zhou K, Zhang F, Zhou Z*. Accumulation of prelamin A compromises NF-κB-regulated B-lymphopoiesis in a progeria mouse model. Longev Healthspan. 2013;2:1. doi: 10.1186/2046-2395-2-1. eCollection 2013
  14. V Krishnan, M Z Chow, Z Wang, L Zhang, B Liu, X Liu and Z Zhou* (2011). Histone H4 lysine 16 hypoacetylation is associated with defective DNA repair and premature senescence in Zmpste24-deficient mice. Proc Natl Aca Sci USA,108 (30);12325-12330
  15. B Liu, Z Wang and Z Zhou*(2013). Defective ATM-Kap-1-mediated chromatin remodeling impairs DNA repair and accelerates senescence in progeria. ageing Cell, 12(2), 316-8. DOI: 10.1111/acel.12035
  16. JR Delaney, GL Sutphin, B Dulken, S Sim, JR Kim, B Robison, J Schleit, CJ Murakami, D Carr, EH. An, E Choi, A Chou, M Fletcher, M Jelic, B Liu, D Lockshon, R M. Moller, D N. Park, Q Peng, ZJ Peng, K M. Pham, M Sage, A Solanky, KK. Steffen, M Tsuchiya, S Tsuchiyama, S Johnson, C Raabe, Y Suh, Z Zhou, X Liu, BK. Kennedy, and M Kaeberlein (2011). Sir2 deletion prevents life span extension in 32 long-lived Sir2 deletion prevents life span extension in 32 long-lived mutants. ageing Cell, 10(6):1089-1091
  17. Liu B, Wang J, Chan KM, Tjia WM, Deng W, Guan X, Huang JD, Li KM, Chau PY, Chen DJ, Pei D, Pendas AM, Cadinanos J, Lopez-Otin C, Tse HF, Hutchison C, Chen J, Cao Y, Cheah KS, Tryggvason K, Zhou Z.* (2005)  Genomic instability in laminopathy-based premature ageing.  Nature Medicine, 11 (7), 780-785 * correspondence.  Commented by Misteli T, Scaffidi P. In Nat Med 2005 11(7):718-9. Genome instability in progeria: when repair gets old.  F1000 Factor 6.4

  18. Varela I, Cadinanos J, Pendas AM, Gutierrez-Fernandez A, Folgueras AR, Sanchez LM, Zhou Z, Rodriguez FJ, Stewart CL, Vega JA, Tryggvason K, Freije JM, Lopez-Otin C (2005). Accelerated ageing in mice deficient in Zmpste24 protease is linked to p53 signalling activation. Nature (Impact Factor 69.5), 437(7058):564-8   Recommended by Faculty 1000 by M. Sharon Stack, F1000 Factor 6.0  an intriguing link between ageing and tumor suppression
  19. Pendás A*, Zhou Z *, Cadinanos J, Freije JM, Wang J, Hultenby K, Astudillo A, Wernerson A, Rodriguez F, Tryggvason K, Lopez-Otin C (2002).  Defective prelamin A processing and muscular and adipocyte alterations in Zmpste24 metalloproteinase–deficient mice.  Nature Genetics, 31(1): 94-99  *Equal contribution.

C. Development and Diseases

  1. Chen L, Zhen H, Chen Z, Huang M, Mak DW, Jin W, Zou Y, Chen M, Zheng M, Xie Q, Zhou Z*, Jin G*(2023). Deciphering m6A dynamics at a single-base level during planarian anterior-posterior axis specification. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 21:4567-4579. doi: 10.1016/j.csbj.2023.09.018.
  2. Yuan J, Guo L, Wang J, Zhou Z*, Wu C*(2023). α-parvin controls chondrocyte column formation and regulates long bone development. Bone Res. 11(1):46. doi: 10.1038/s41413-023-00284-7.
  3. Zhen H, Huang M, Zheng M, Gao L, Pang Q, Jin G, Zhou Z* (2023). WTAP regulates stem cells via TRAF6 to maintain planarian homeostasis and regeneration. Intl J Biol Macromol. Vol 242 (3), 124932
  4. Wang L, Yang X, Hu X, Wei L, Jin G and Zhou Z* (2023). MOF-mediated acetylation is required for UHRF1 E3 ligase activity, DNMT1 recruitment and DNA methylation maintenance. Cell Reports revised
  5. Gao G, Li X, Jiang Z, Osorio L, Tang YL, Yu X, Jin G, Zhou Z* (2023). Isthmin-1 (Ism1) modulates renal branching morphogenesis and mesenchyme condensation during early kidney development. Nature Communications.  14, 2378.
  6. Zhang L, He Y, Jiang Y, Wu Q, Xie Q, Zou Y, Wu J, Zhang C, Zhou Z* Bian X*, Jin G* (2023). PRMT1 reverts the immune escape of necroptotic colon cancer through RIP3 methylationCell Death Dis 14, 233.
  7. Peng Q, Luo D, Yang Y, Zhu Y, Luo Q, Chen H, Chen D, Zhou Z and Lu X* (2023). Clinical and immunological features of an APLAID patient caused by a novel mutation in PLCG2Front. Immunol. 14:1014150. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1014150
  8. TL Chu, P Chen, M Kong, T Tan, KY Tsang, Z Zhou, KSE Cheah*. (2023) MMP14 cleaves PTH1R in the chondrocyte derived osteoblast lineage, curbing signaling intensity for proper bone anabolism. eLife
  9. Zhang L, Yu J, Zheng M, Zhen H, Xie Q, Zhang C, Zhou Z*, Jin G*. (2023). RAGA prevents tumor immune evasion of LUAD by promoting CD47 lysosome degradationCommun Biol. 6, 211.
  10. Guo X, Cao J, Cai JP, Wu J, Huang J, Asthana P, Wong SKK, Ye ZW, Gurung S, Zhang Y, Wang S, Wang Z, Ge X, Kwan HY, Lyu A, Chan KM, Wong N, Huang J, Zhou Z, Bian ZX, Yuan S*, Wong HLX*. (2022). Control of SARS-CoV-2 infection by MT1-MMP-mediated shedding of ACE2. Nat Communications  13(1):7907. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35590-x.
  11. Chow CFW, Zhang S, Fallah S, Che S, Guo X, Wang Z, Ge X, Jiang Z, Zhai L, Lin CY, Kwan HY, Huang T, Lyu A, Zhou Z, Bian Z, Wong HLX. (2022) Body weight regulation via MT1-MMP-mediated cleavage of GFRAL. Nature Metabolism 4, 203-212
  12. Wang, Y., Ma, B., Liu, X. Gao G, Che Z, Fan M, Meng S, Zhao X, Sugimura R, Cao Hua, Zhou Z, Xie J* and Lin C*. (2022). ZFP281-BRCA2 prevents R-loop accumulation during DNA replication. Nature Communications 13, 3493.
  13. Cao D, Liu Y, Chen X, Liu J, Liu J, Lai W, Li S, Wang W, Zhang W, Xiao D, Yang K, Li B, Zhou Z, Cai CL, Li X, Shou W (2022). Activation of iNKT Cells at the Maternal-Fetal Interface Predisposes Offspring to Cardiac Injury. Circulation. 29;145(13):1032-1035. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.054239. Epub 2022 Mar 28. PMID: 35344410.
  14. T Li, W Jin, Y He, Z Zhou*.(2021)Generation of PRMT6 homozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell lines  Stem Cell Research  50, 102136
  15. Z Jiang,J Zhou,X Qin,H Zheng,B Gao, X Liu and Z Zhou* (2020). Defective ependymal cell maturation and ciliogenesis leads to hydrocephalus in mice deficient for MT1-MMP. JCI Insight; 5(9): doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.132782e132782  Highlighted in JCI This Month
  16. ZCK Chan, HLR Kwan, YS Wong, Z Jiang, Z Zhou, KW Tam, YS Chan, CB Chan CW Lee (2020).   Site-directed MT1-MMP trafficking and surface insertion regulate AChR clustering and remodeling at developing NMJs. eLife, 9, e54379
  17. Osório L, Wu X, Wang L, Jiang Z, Neideck C, Sheng G, and Zhou Z*(2019). ISM1 regulates NODAL signaling and asymmetric organ morphogenesis during development. J Cell Biol.  218(7);2388–2402.  DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201801081
  18. Z Jiang, W Chen, J Zhou, Q Peng, H Zheng, Y Yuan, H Cui, W Zhao, Xuerong Sun, Z Zhou, X Liu. Identification of COMMD1 as a novel lamin A binding partner. Molecular medicine reports 20 (2), 1790-1796
  19. Shi DD, Dong CM, Ho LC, Lam CTW, Zhou XD, Wu EX, Zhou Z, Wang XM & Zhang ZJ. (2018). Resveratrol, a natural polyphenol, prevents chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: Involvement of cytokine modulation and neuroprotectionNeurobiology of Disease, 114, 164- 173.
  20. Li T, Wang L, Du Y, Xie S, Yang X, Lian F, Zhou Z*, Qian C* (2018). New Mechanistic Insights into UHRF1-mediated DNMT1 activation in the Maintenance DNA Methylation. Nuclear Acid Res. Reserved place DOI:10.1093/nar/gky104
  21. H L Wong, G Jin, R Cao, S Zhang, Y Cao, Z Zhou*(2016). MT1-MMP sheds LYVE-1 on lymphatic endothelial cells and suppresses VEGF-C production to inhibit lymphangiogenesis. Nature Communications  (Impact factor 17.7) ;7:10824. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10824
  22. L Osório, F Long, Z Zhou* Uncovering the stem cell hierarchy by genetic lineage tracing in the mammary gland. AIMS Genetics 2016. 3 (2), 130-145
  23. Chang JH, Huang YH, Cunningham CM, Han KY, Chang M, Seiki M, Zhou Z, Azar DT. Matrix metalloproteinase 14 modulates signal transduction and angiogenesis in the cornea. Surv Ophthalmol. 2016;61(4):478-97. doi: 10.1016/j.survophthal.2015.11.006.
  24. Liu HF, Lu S, Ho PW, Tse HM, Pang S YY, Kung M HW, Ho J WM, Ramsden DB Zhou Z* and Ho SL* (2014).  LRRK2 R1441G mice are more liable to dopamine depletion and locomotor inactivity. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 1(3); 199-208
  25. Osório L, Wu X, Zhou Z*. Distinct spatiotemporal expression of ISM1 during mouse and chick development. Cell Cycle. 2014;13(10):1571-82. doi: 10.4161/cc.28494.
  26. K Chan, H Wong, G Jin, B Liu, R Cao, Y Cao, K Lehti, K Tryggvason and Z Zhou* (2012). MT1-MMP Inactivates ADAM9 to Regulate FGFR2 Signalling in Calvarial Osteogenesis. Developmental Cell (Impact Factor 13.4) 22(6); 1176-1190   Faculty 1000 F1000 Factor 8.0 must read.
  27. H Wong, R Cao, G Jin, K Chan, Y Cao, Z Zhou*.When MT1-MMP Meets ADAMs. Cell Cycle  2012 Aug 1;11(15):2793-8
  28. G Jin, F Zhang, K M Chan, H L Wong, B Liu, K Cheah, X Liu, C Mauch, D Liu, Z Zhou*(2011). MT1-MMP cleaves Dll1 to negatively regulate Notch signaling to maintain normal B cell development. EMBO J. 30, 2281 – 2293
  29. Sugiyama N, Varjosalo M, Meller P, Lohi J, Chan KM, Zhou Z, Alitalo K, Taipale J, Keski-Oja J, Lehti K (2010).  FGF receptor-4 (FGFR4) polymorphism acts as an activity switch of a membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase-FGFR4 complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (Impact Factor 12.779);107(36):15786-91.
  30. Gawden-Bone C, Zhou Z, King E, Prescott A, Watts C, Lucocq J (2010). Dendritic cell podosomes are protrusive and invade the extracellular matrix using metalloproteinase MMP-14.  Journal of Cell Science.;123(Pt 9):1427-37.
  31. She ZG, Zheng W, Wei YS, Chen HZ, Wang AB, Li HL, Liu G, Zhang R, Liu JJ, Stallcup WB, Zhou Z, Liu DP, Liang CC (2009). Human Paraoxonase Gene Cluster Transgenic Overexpression Represses Atherogenesis and Promotes Atherosclerotic Plaque Stability in ApoE-Null Mice. Circulation Research. (;104(10):1160-8
  32. Kandert S, Lüke Y, Kleinhenz T, Neumann S, Lu W, Jaeger VM, Munck M, Wehnert M, Müller CR, Zhou Z, Noegel AA, Dabauvalle MC and Karakesisoglou I  (2007).  Nesprin-2 giant safeguards nuclear envelope architecture in LMNA S143F progeria cells. Human Molecular Genetics; 16(23):2944-2959.
  33. West MA, Prescott AR, Chan KM, Zhou Z, Rose-John S, Scheller J, Watts C (2008).   TLR ligand-induced podosome disassembly in dendritic cells is ADAM17 dependent. Journal of Cell Biology;182(5):993-1005.
  34. Wang J, Hoshijima M, Lam J, Zhou Z, Jokiel A, Dalton ND, Hultenby K, Ruiz-Lozano P, Ross J Jr, Tryggvason K, Chien KR (2006).  Cardiomyopathy associated with microcirculation dysfunction in laminin alpha 4 chain deficient miceJournal of Biol Chem, 6;281(1):213-20.
  35. Bjorndahl M, Cao R, Nissen LJ, Clasper S, Johnson LA, Xue Y, Zhou Z, Jackson D, Hansen AJ, Cao Y (2005). Insulin-like growth factors 1 and 2 induce lymphangiogenesis in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (Impact Factor 12.779), 102(43):15593-8.
  36. P Religa, R Cao, M Bjorndahl, Z Zhou, Z Zhu, and Y Cao (2005). Presence of bone marrow-derived circulating progenitor endothelial cells in the newly formed lymphatic vessels. Blood (Impact Factor 25.6), 106(13), 4184-90
  37. Oblander SA, Zhou Z., Galvez BG, Tryggvason K and Apte SS (2005). Distinctive functions of membrane type 1 matrix-metalloprotease (MT1-MMP or MMP-14) in lung and submandibular gland development are independent of its role in pro-MMP-2 activation. Developmental. Biology; (277), 255-269.
  38. Zhou Z*, Doi M, Wang J, Cao R, Liu B, Chan KM, Kortesmaa J, Sorokin L, Cao Y, Tryggvason K (2004). Deletion in laminin-8 results in increased tumor neovascularization and metastasis in mice. Cancer Research. (Impact Factor 13.3); 64(12), 4059-4063 *correspondence   Recommended by Faculty 1000 by Lynn Matrisian, F1000 Factor 3.0
  39. Zhou Z*, Wang J, Cao R, Morita H, Soininen R, Chan KM, Liu B, Cao Y, Tryggvason K (2004). Impaired angiogenesis, delayed wound healing and retarded tumor growth in Perlecan heparan sulfate deficient mice.  Cancer Research.; 2004; 64(14), 4699-4702  * correspondence
  40. Mirastschijski U, Zhou Z., Rollman O, Tryggvason K and Ågren MS (2004)Wound Healing in Membrane-Type-1 Matrix Metalloproteinase-Deficient Mice. Journal Investigative Dermatology;123(3); 600-603.
  41. Franzke C, Tasanen K, Schäcke H, Zhou Z, Tryggvason K, Mauch C, Zigrino P, Sunnarborg S, Lee DC, Fahrenholz F, Bruckner-Tuderman L (2002). Transmembrane Collagen XVII, an Epithelial Adhesion Protein, is Shed from the Cell Surface by ADAMs. EMBO Journal; 21(19):5026-35.
  42. Zhou Z, Soininen R, Cao R, Baaklini GY, Rauser RW, Wang J, Cao Y, Tryggvason K (2000). Impaired endochondral ossification and angiogenesis in mice deficient in membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase IProc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 97(8):4052-7.
  43. Zhou Z*, Wang J, Han X, Zhou J, Linder S (1998). Up-regulation of human secreted frizzled homolog in apoptosis and its down-regulation in breast tumors. International Journal of Cancer ; 78(1):95-9.

D. Invited Reviews

  1. Zheng M, Jin G, Zhou Z*. Post-Translational Modification of Lamins: Mechanisms and Functions. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022 May 17;10:864191. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.864191. PMID: 35656549; PMCID: PMC9152177.
  2. Shakhawat, H.M.; Hazrat, Z.; Zhou, Z*. Isthmin—A Multifaceted Protein Family. Cells 2023, 12, 17.
  3. K Zhao, Z Zhou*. Post-translational modifications of nuclear sirtuins. Genome Instability & Disease  2020, 1 (1), 34-45
  4. S Ghosh and Z Zhou*. Genetics of progeria, ageing and lamin disorders. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2014.
  5. S Ghosh, B Liu, and Z Zhou*. Resveratrol activates SIRT1 in a Lamin A-dependent manner. Cell Cycle  2013, 12(6), 872-876. (5-year IF:4.806; Citation: 1)
  6. B Liu and Z Zhou*. Activation of SIRT1 by Resveratrol requires lamin A. ageing (Cover, Editorial). 2013, 5(2),94-95 (5-year IF:4.625; Citation:N/A)
  7. Liu, Baohua, Raymond KH Yip, and Z Zhou*. Chromatin remodeling, DNA damage repair and ageingCurrent Genomics 2012; 13(7): 533-547.
  8. Kaeberlein M, Kennedy BK, Liu X, Suh Y, Zhou ZTrinations ageing symposium. Mech Ageing Dev. 2011, 132(6);348-352.
  9. Ellenberg D, Azar DT, Hallak JA, Tobaigy F, Han KY, Jain S, Zhou Z, Chang JH. Novel aspects of corneal angiogenic and lymphangiogenic privilege.  Prog Retin Eye Res. 2010 29(3):208-48.
  10. Liu B, Zhou Z*. Lamin A/C, laminopathies and premature ageing. Histol Histopath 2008, 23:747-763.
  1. 2014 - 2017 RGC Collaborative Research Fund (CRF): Regulation of heterochromatin remodeling in DNA repair and ageing.
  2. 2013 - 2016 RGC General Research Fund (GRF): Interplay between ADAM15 and MT1-MMP in FGF2-induced angiogenesis.
  3. 2011 - 2014 RGC General Research Fund (GRF): Isthmin In Fibroblast Growth Factor Signalling and Nodal Signalling during Embryogenesis and Development. (ongoing)
  4. 2013 - 2016 Shenzhen Science and Technology Bureau: Role for MT1-MMP in lymphoangiogenesis.
  5. 2013 - 2017 Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Key Basic Research Program: Critical alterations in epigenetics and signalling pathways in accelerated ageing.
  6. 2012 - 2016 Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Research Fund: MT1-MMP regulates neural stem cells self-renewal and differentiation via Notch signaling.
  • Croucher Senior Research Fellow 2015/2016, Croucher Foundation
  • Outstanding Research Award 2014/2015, The University of Hong Kong
  • State Science and Technology Award (2nd Class) 2011, State Council, China
  • International Society of Matrix Biology Nominated Speaker 2007, Cains, Australia
  • Outstanding Research Output Award 2006, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
  • Distinguished Overseas Young Chinese Scientist Award 2005, Natural Science Foundation of China
  • Young Investigator Award 2000, International Society of Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis, Japan
  • Swedish Cancer Foundation Fellow 1996-1997, Swedish Cancer Fond, Sweden
  • Associate Editor (Since 2015 Jan):
    Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (Publisher: Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam; ISSN: 0027-5107, Impact Factor 4.44)
  • Member of Editorial Board (Since 2013):
    Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology (Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc, Malden MA 02148, USA; Online ISSN: 1440-1681, Impact Factor 2.16)
  • Academic Editor (Since 2010):
    PLoS One (Publisher: Public Library of Science, San Francisco, USA; eISSN-1932-6203 Impact Factor 4.24)
  • Xuelai Wang, Senior research associate, PhD
  • Liliana Osorio, Postdoctoral fellow, PhD (Paris)
  • Xavier Wong Hoi Leong, Postdoctoral fellow, PhD (HKU)
  • Xi Yang, PhD student, BSc (Peking University)
  • Misty Shuo Zhang, PhD student, BSc (Zhejiang University)
  • Shrestha Ghosh, PhD student, BSc (India)
  • Helen Iok Lou Ieong, PhD student, BSc (Taiwan)
  • Fei Long, PhD student, BSc (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
  • Mia Xiaobin HU, Postdoc fellow, PhD (HKU)
  • Yukun Feng, MPhil student, BSc (University of Science and Technology of China)
  • Vaidehi Krishnan, Assistant Professor IMCB, Singapore
  • Baohua Liu, PhD (HKU); Professor, Shenzhen University
  • Le Zang, PhD (HKU); Postdoc in Harvard Medical School
  • Guoxiang Jin, PhD (HKU); Postdoc in MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston
  • Jin Zhou, PhD (HKU); Shanghai
  • Zimei Wang, Research Associate; Professor, Shenzhen University
  • Grace C T Kong, Postdoc fellow; Roche, Hong Kong
  • Juergen Scharner, MPhil (HKU); University College London
  • Xuewei Wu, PhD (HKU); Postdoc in USA
  • Shuangcheng Zhou, MPhil (HKU); Shanghai

Postdoctoral Positions available in the areas of stem cells, development and ageing

Several positions for postdoctoral fellow or senior research assistants are available immediately. The positions are initially for two years with possibility of renewal subject to satisfactory performance.

Applicants should possess either PhD in biomedical sciences or MD degree. Candidates with background of developmental biology, stem cells, organoid, regenerative medicine, cardiac damage and repair, functional genomics, bioinformatics, or single cell omics are strongly encouraged to apply. The appointees are expected to work independently as well as collaboratively with a group of scientists in Universities, Research Institutes and Industries to develop new strategies to fight against degenerative diseases as well as cancer.

Enquiries about the posts should be sent to

A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experiences will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. Candidate should sent their application together with updated CV to


Last update: 2023-10-27