Jul 20 - 25, 2020
Community Engagement: Young Medical and Healthcare Professional Summer Programme 2020
The Young Medical and Healthcare Professional Summer Programme 2020 (YMHPSP 2020) organized by HKU Summer Institute was successfully held from 20-25 July 2020 through the virtual platform ZOOM. The event was well-attended, with over 220 secondary school students from over 90 local, international and overseas schools.
Professor Michael Shing Yan Huen and Dr Tomasz Stanislaw Cecot from our School participated at the event and delivered interactive and insightful lectures on “DNA Repair” and “Nervous System Anatomy”, respectively. Through their talk sessions, students had the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into what biomedical sciences and anatomy are meant to be, and explore the captivating facets of the human nervous system. Students were eager to ask questions and also demonstrated a keen attitude towards academic pursuit.
Students’ feedback for the lectures:
“I enjoyed the fact that we had many opportunities to ask any and all questions that we had related to the lecture at hand. This is a very rare opportunity for me and I enjoyed it a lot.”
“The lectures, Anatomy Lecture in particular, were much more entertaining than I had previously anticipated.”
“Interesting, interactive and holistic lectures”
Photo source: https://www.facebook.com/hkutaster/