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Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences


BBiomedSc students can apply for the following articulation programmes to be taken in their 3rd year of study on an elective mode:

  • Graduate Entry Programme to Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery (BVM&S) at The University of Edinburgh
    • Students will study the first-year courses of the BVM&S curriculum at The University of Edinburgh. Upon completion of the one-year attachment in Edinburgh, students will return to finish the 4th year of study of BBiomedSc at HKU. Students, after satisfactory completion of the BiomedSc curriculum at HKU, can opt to continue studying the remaining three years (2nd, 3rd and 4th) of the BVM&S curriculum at The University of Edinburgh. Upon successful completion, students can obtain two degrees from the two universities and qualify as veterinary surgeons in seven years.                       
  • Master of Diagnostic Radiography (MDR) at The University of Sydney
    • Students will study the prescribed courses of MDR at The University of Sydney. The credits earned will be counted towards their HKU degree. Students will return to HKU in their 4th year to complete their BBiomedSc degree. Upon graduation, they can choose to return to Sydney for the remaining 1.5 years of the MDR programme. Students may apply for full registration to practice in Hong Kong upon completion of both programmes and register as a Diagnostic Radiographer provided that all registration requirements are met as stipulated by the Hong Kong Supplementary Medical Professions Council.
  • MBBS at The University of Hong Kong
    • Students will attach to the second semester of the first-year MBBS curriculum at HKU. They will then return to finish their 4th year of study of BBiomedSc. Students, after satisfactory completion of the BBiomedSc curriculum and having satisfied the admission criteria of MBBS curriculum, will be admitted directly to Year 2 of MBBS curriculum. They will also be exempted from the Year 3 enrichment year requirement. Upon successful completion, students can obtain BBiomedSc and MBBS degrees from HKU in eight years.

articulation chart


U Edinburgh

Vet (BVM&S)

U Sydney Diagnostic

Radiography (MDR)



Study Period

Early August 2023 –

Late May 2024

Late July / Early August 2023 –

Late June 2024

January 2024 – May 2024

Quota *

No more than 10

(subject to approval)

No more than 10

(subject to approval)

No more than 5

(subject to approval)

Cumulative GPA *




Tuition Fee

(For reference only)


(HK$364,480) [1:10.88]

per Academic Year

AUD $25,200

(HK$136,080) [1:5.4]

per Academic Year


*Normal HKU Tuition Fee

Prerequisite Courses


Pre-requisite requirement for the Credit Recognition Program (not articulation)

  • BBMS2004

Satisfactorily complete the following by the end of their second year of study

  • BIOC1600
  • BBMS1001
  • BBMS2003
  • BBMS2004
  • BBMS2005
  • BBMS2006

Application Deadline

Mid-October (Year 2, S1)

End of March (Year 2, S2)

End of March (Year 2, S2)


* subject to change


Dr. Michael Manio


Office: L4-57, Laboratory Block


Ms Christina Chan


Office: L3-77, SBMS General Office, Laboratory Block