Media Coverage: Dr Stephanie Ma shared her thoughts after being awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2023
Dec 28, 2022
Dr Stephanie Ma shared her thoughts after being awarded Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2023.
Press Release: HKUMed scientists lead discovery of two master genes critical for hearing, providing a guide for diagnosis of deafness and balance problems
Dec 05, 2022
An international team of scientists led by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) has uncovered the underlying cause of deafness caused by swelling of the chambers in the inner ear. Using a mouse model of a human congenital disorder that displays deafness, the researchers identified two master genes controlling hearing function, which opened a new pathway for diagnosis of deafness and balance problems, and possibly to the effects on stem cells in other tissues and syndromes. This exciting advance is described in their paper published in the premier life sciences journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Press Release: Professor Ying Shing Chan, Dr Lee Wei Lim and CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Jul 07, 2022
A joint research team of Professor Ying Shing Chan, Dr Lee Wei Lim and City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has discovered that the electrical stimulation of the eye surface can alleviate depression-like symptoms and improve cognitive function in animal models. These significant findings were recently published in Brain Stimulation and the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Press Release: Dr Alan Wong and his team combine artificial intelligence and protein engineering technology to enhance gene editing efficiency of CRISPR-Cas9
Jun 29, 2022
Dr Alan Wong and his team discovered more efficient CRISPR-Cas9 variants that could be useful for gene therapy applications. The findings are now published in Nature Communications (link to the publication) and a patent application has been filed based on this work.
Media Coverage: BBMS Graduate being interviewed by local media to share his experience in enrolling the BBiomedSc Articulation Programme
Jun 13, 2022
Media Coverage: BBMS Graduate being interviewed by local media to share his experience in enrolling the BBiomedSc Articulation Programme
Media Coverage: Dr Clive Chung wrote an article on Biology vs Biomedical Sciences for am730
Jun 06, 2022
Dr Clive Chung wrote an article on Biology vs Biomedical Sciences for am730.
Press Release: HKUMed-QMUL research team identify biomechanical and molecular signals that trigger early progression of atherosclerosis
Jun 02, 2022
A joint research team at LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) and Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) has discovered the molecular mechanisms of how pathological condition-mimicking mechanical stimuli lead to the early progression of atherosclerosis, a leading cause of vascular disease worldwide. The research findings provide new insights into the mechanosensitive pathway of vascular smooth muscle cell during the initial phase of atherosclerosis and have been recently published in Science Advances.
Media Coverage: Dr Joshua Ho wrote an article on Bioinformatics in Biomedical Sciences and related career opportunities for am730
May 30, 2022
Dr Joshua Ho wrote an article on Bioinformatics in Biomedical Sciences and related career opportunities for am730.
Media Coverage: Dr Alan Wong wrote an article on Impact of CRISPR Technologies for am730
May 23, 2022
Dr Alan Wong wrote an article on Impact of CRISPR Technologies for am730.
Media Coverage: Professor Pengtao Liu wrote an article on Expansion of Stem Cell for am730
May 16, 2022
Professor Pengtao Liu wrote an article on Expansion of Stem Cell for am730.